A celebrity cemetery home to much more than the dead. Located in the heart of Tinseltown, the Hollywood Forever Cemetery is a little known oasis of life.
Harris Dirnberger
My first impression of the Hollywood Forever Cemetery was thinking “wow this place is huge!” Upon further exploration, it was obvious that the grounds were much more than a place for the dead.
Photo: Hollywood Forever
Photo: Hollywood Forever
Within a matter of minutes of walking down the trails an array of wildlife began to reveal itself. At first, it was the cats … seemingly hundreds of them. They hide in the trees, on the walls … everywhere. It is hard to find a corner without one. Soon later I found myself in complete awe as a group of Peacocks presented themselves. I was even lucky enough to see a group of babies in an open pen.
Photo: Joe Klamar
Photo: Grant Slater / KPCC
Further down the road my eyes stumbled into another colorful bird. There were parrots in the trees! Tons of them.
It was at this point where it was clear that The Hollywood Forever Cemetery was about as opposite from one’s typical view of Hollywood as it can get. It seemed to be an accidental wildlife refuge in the midst of the city.
As I continued, I ran into dozens of ducks, geese, turtles, and enjoyed watching the Koi fish in one of the ponds.
Beyond the animals, the Hollywood Forever Cemetery has much more to offer. I found the graves of many late musicians, moguls, and more. Many of the stones were elaborate and eye catching.
The peace and quiet I found in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery was unlike nowhere else in Hollywood. Although in the midst of the hustle and bustle, when you walk through the cemetery gates you enter an entirely different world.